Health Rejuvenation Treatment
The Health Rejuvenation program that we offer will drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit.
This is done through a process of cleansing by employing special medicated oil massages, Dhara/Kizhi, medicated steam bath and a rational combination of medicines to correct the functions of body and mind. This reduces overweight and mental tension, enhances body complexion and skin luster, corrects metabolism and deficiency and recharges the mind and body.
Therapeutic Treatment
There are no proper treatment in other systems of medicines like allopathic for diseases such as Arthritis, Spondylitis, Lumbago, Slip Disc, Frozen Shoulder, Stress & Strain, Sciatica etc. A variety of result-proven procedures are available in Ayurveda namely Pizhichil, Njavarakishi, Abhayangam, Sirodhara, Elakizhi etc. for treating these problems.
Pizhichil is a relaxing, soothing and rejuvenating treatment with medicated warm oil used in a continuous stream for a definite period for the whole body (excluding head & neck). It is used to effectively treat arthritis, ageing, general weakness, paralysis etc. ‘Pizhichil’ and ‘Sarvangadhara’ are technically the same.
’Pizhichil’ literally means ‘squeezing’. Here, warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient’s body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in a vessel containing the oil. In Sarvangadhara, oil is poured over the patient’s body from pitchers. Pizhichil requires a lesser quantity of oil when compared to Sarvangadhara. Before beginning Pizhichil, a suitable type of oil should be applied to the head and body of the patient. In some cases, a talam is also applied on the head and bandaged with leaves.
The masseur usually begin by squeezing oil on to the shoulders and then down the hands of the patient who sits in an upright position. Each masseur uses on hand to pour the oil while massaging with the other.
Pizhichil is recommended for diseases caused by a vitiation of the Vata humour-Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia), paralysis and muscle spasms – and other degenerative diseases that affect the muscles.
Njavarakizhi' is a whole body massage using medicated milk-porridge made into a bundle. It is an immuno-enhancing rejuvenation therapy and is made use of in convalescence period of injury and trauma, muscular wasting, arthritis, general weakness, paralysis etc
Sirodhara is a unique treatment where specific medicated oils are used to bathe the head in a regular stream for a definite period. It is an effective therapy for mental relaxation and cures insomnia, stress, depression, decreased mental agility etc. When medicated buttermilk replaces oil (sneha), the therapy is called Takradhara. If medicated milk is used instead of medicated oil, then the process is called.
Shirovasthi is considered more of a palliative (Shamana) treatment than an eliminative (Shodhana) one. The treatment is usually preceded by oleation (Snehana) and sudation (Swedana)
A leather sleeve of about six to eight inches in length is placed on the shaven head of the patient and a band (vartti) tied around the forehead to keep it in place. Kneaded dough is used to line the inside of this sleeve and ensure that it does not leak. Oil is then poured into the sleeve and allowed to remain on the head for a while. The oil commonly used is Ksheerabala or Dhanwantaram. The length of time the oil should be kept there is determined by the severity of the disease. Usually it is up to fifty minutes for diseases caused by severe Vata disorders. This treatment is prescribed for disorders like facial paralysis, cataract, deafness, earache, insomnia and other diseases that afflict the cranial nerves.
Abhyangam is otherwise known as Uzhichil where medicated oil is used to massage the body with specific implications to the 107 vital points (marmas) of the body. It helps to give better circulation, muscular tone, mental tranquility and better health maintenance.
Elakizhi is an innovative classical massage with medicated leaves and is used to tackle joint pain, muscle cramps, stress and arthritis .
All the above-mentioned treatments can be done in a perfectly healthy person as well so as to enhance his/her immunity, vitality and longevity of life.
The above treatments can be offered in different combinations according to the physician’s direction. Each of these combinations give a curative and rejuvenative effect after being undergone for definite periods and repeating at definite intervals.